Tag Archives: #StopEACOP


By Smith Nwokocha


For Immediate Release Media Advisory

24th June 2024

Global Day of Action: the world looks to China to halt EACOP

Who: The StopEACOP campaign and its allies are planning a coordinated global day of action on June 26th, 2024, outside the Chinese embassies and some of the Chinese financial institutions in 12 countries.


What: The StopEACOP campaign is coordinating an escalated global action to urge China to rule out financial support for the East African Crude Oil Pipeline and the associated oil field projects (the EACOP projects). The campaign specifically targets the China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation (SINOSURE), the state-owned Chinese insurance company, the Export-Import Bank of China (China Exim Bank), one of China’s policy banks, and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), China’s largest commercial bank and one of the financial advisors for the EACOP project. The Chinese financial institutions have reportedly considered supporting the projects and are expected to make a decision in July. The day of action will hold peaceful protests outside Chinese embassies and consulates in cities in Africa, Europe, and the USA, demanding that Chinese embassies officially receive petitions signed by the affected people and studies about the impacts of the projects. This action is also a response to the recent abduction of Stephen Kwikiriza and arbitrary arrests of protestors in the previous demonstrations in November 2023 and May 2024, showing solidarity with local activists and human rights defenders in Uganda and Tanzania who continue to resist despite facing repression.


In Uganda and Tanzania

Why: The EACOP projects pose outstanding risks and impacts to local communities’ livelihoods, water resources, and key biodiversity areas of East Africa while providing little benefit to the average Ugandan and Tanzanian. The projects, which are estimated to lead to greenhouse gas emissions of 379 million tonnes CO2e, are also a climate bomb that will fuel the global climate crisis, further locking the planet in a


fossil fuel future. As major financiers and insurers from North America, Europe, and Japan have publicly distanced themselves from the harmful EACOP projects, the project developers are now looking to China for financial support. Affected people and local civil society in Uganda and Tanzania have communicated their concerns to the major Chinese banks, insurers, and the Chinese government by sending letters, petitions and analyses, and more recently through peaceful actions at the Chinese embassies. The Chinese government and financial institutions have continuously refused to respond to the demands of the affected people. However, there are signs that the Chinese decision-makers are aware of the significant risks of financing the projects. It has been reported that the delayed decision of the Chinese lenders, who have taken a prolonged time to assess the risks, has put the project in a cash crisis that threatens to stall the construction. The campaign aims to amplify people’s voices and urge China to make the right decision. As a committed climate leader and responsible development partner of the Global South, China should not enable these destructive projects, which are majoritively owned by TotalEnergies, through insurance or financing. Instead, China should invest in renewable energy projects promoting sustainable African development.


Where: The specific cities where these actions will take place include

Kampala, Uganda, on June 26th

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, on June 26th

Kinshasa, DRC on June 26th Nairobi, Kenya on June 26th Abuja, Nigeria, on June 26th

Tshwane, South Africa, on June 26th

Paris, France, on June 26th

London, Manchester, UK, on June 26th


The Hague, the Netherlands, on June 26th Düsseldorf, Germany, on June 26th Copenhagen, Denmark, on June 26th

Washington DC, USA, on June 28th (by the Ugandan Diaspora in the U.S.)



Interview Opportunities:

To arrange interviews with spokespeople from organizing groups or for more information about individual actions, please contact:


Abiud Onyach

Digital Communications, StopEACOP Campaign abiud.onyach@350.org


Henrieke Butijn

Climate Campaigner and researcher henrieke.butijn@banktrack.org


Photos and videos will be made available after the events.






The People’s Climate Summit Unveils Urgent Demands for Justice, Decolonization, and Survival for 900 million Africans 


Nairobi, 1st September 2023. More than 500 African civil society organisations have issued seven hard-hitting demands on their governments and wealthy nations as the African Climate Summit kicks off in Nairobi, Kenya, next week. 


The African People are demanding for justice, decolonisation of the continent’s economic systems and repayment of climate debt. They are also demanding for an end to energy capture, an immediate stop to fossil fuel projects and rejection of false solutions in a move that is set to put the plight of over 900 million people in the global spotlight. 


The seven demands highlighted include: 


  • Decolonise the Economy and Development 
  • Repay Climate Debt and Deliver the Money 
  • No False Solutions 
  • Build Global Solidarity, Peace & Justice 
  • No new fossil fuels 
  • New commitments for international cooperation 
  • End Energy Agency Capture, and Energy System Capture 


To raise awareness on the challenges Africa is facing with climate change, The Real Africa People’s Climate Summit has organised a march on 4th September 2023 in Nairobi which brings together diverse stakeholders from various struggles and movements across Africa. 


Speaking on behalf of the Real Africa People’s Climate Summit, Hardi Yakubu, from Africans Rising stated that Africans were tired of leaders and governments paying endless lip service to Africa on the impact of climate change on its people. 


“We demand for a decolonisation of Africa’s economy and development agenda, a repayment of climate debt and delivery of much-needed money to Africa for Climate Adaptation and losses and damages, as well as real solutions to this gripping problem the continent faces,” Hardi Yakubu said. 


Statistics show that Africa has been thrust into a never-ending cycle of poverty, hunger, undue exposure to climate-induced disasters, and ever-dwindling investment in adaption and mitigation measures due to climate change. 


“It is a serious indictment on world leaders and corporations that African people continue to disproportionately experience the devastating impacts of climate change for no fault of their own,” Lorraine Chiponda from the Africa Movements Building Space said.  


Between 600-900 million people are facing systemic food and water shortages, debilitating poverty, and lack of access to energy or clean energy, forcing them to escape from their homes and migrate from their countries due to climate change. 


Non-African led solutions to tackling climate change halfway through the implementation of sustainable development goals (SDGs) – and 10 years since the launch of Africa’s development blueprint – Agenda 2063 – have sparked major concerns among climate stakeholders on the continent. Further, climate induced disasters are increasing both the cost of borrowing and exacerbating the risk of debt crises. Most countries have no option other than borrowing to deal with the recovery and reconstruction costs whenever disasters hit.”  


Dean Bhebhe from the Don’t Gas Africa Campaign noted that public services such as education and healthcare are chronically underfunded as unsustainable debt drives austerity.  “Unsustainable debt levels that many countries face today also mean less fiscal space and to invest in adaptation and mitigation as well as address losses and damages already being experienced.” By putting African people in the driving seat of the climate and development action agenda, the Real Africa People’s Climate Summit believe this is an opportunity to centre people’s voices, needs, well-being and the earth’s welfare in the climate change action and development discourse. 


Ikal Angelei from Friends of Lake Turkana stated that, “on 4 September we raise our voices for truth and justice. We March for lives of African Peoples”.

Joab Okanda from Christian Aid stated that, “Amid the spin and rhetoric on offer this week at the Africa Climate Summit, there is no escaping the hard reality: climate change is tearing us all apart and real solutions lie with communities on the frontline of the climate crisis. Clearly, African clear leaders face a clear choice. They can stay on the path of dangerous destructions advanced by corporates and western consultancies, where structural traps continue to be laid against Africa’s development. Or they can choose the path of the people marching on the streets of Nairobi for a renewed climate and development vision for African people’s dignity.

Africa is ready to rise but only once government leaders have the courage to stop the capture by the fossil fuel industry and foreign interests of our government agencies, processes, and energy systems to serve their interest and not the interests of African people.


The Real Africa People’s Climate Summit is a key part for the upcoming wave of global mobilisations and will include the March to #EndFossilFuels fast, fast, forever in New York City on 17th September 2023 as world leaders attend the United Nations Secretary General’s Climate Ambition Summit. 




For media enquiries, contact:   

Name: The Real Africa Climate Summit

Email: realafricasummit@gmail.com

Social media pack can be found here.

Event information be found here.